Our various comic series will feature characters from past DPI Studios artwork as well as a host of new characters created just for the comics.
Written by Jaysin and Embrio, Pencils by Embrio, Colors and Animation by Jaysin
Start reading from the beginning.
Sourpuss is a sci fi story that follows the adventures of two women (Kie and Brill) and how their lives are changed when they rescue a great warrior (Lish).
Kie and Brill started their journey together in the dangerous asteroid racing league as Team Sourpuss. Not content with their winnings, or the thrill, Kie decided to turn to the always in demand career of a freelance mercenary. In a land where money is the law, corporations and criminal enterprise each have their paid armies and spies.
Our story starts with Kie and Brill returning to collect on a contract issued by a nefarious crime lord.
Daring Tales
EPISODE 2 – Starring Lady Ravendale
Written by Richard Brockhurst, Digital Paint by Yenba, Finishing by Jaysin
Start reading from the beginning.
EPISODE 1 – Starring Dasha
Written by Richard Brockhurst, Linework by Ian Navarro, Colors by Jaysin